Tuesday 22 September 2009

Dr.Who mix

Reversing The Polarity Of The Neutron Flow mix

Introduction: Dr. Who & The Silurian
Delia Derbyshire: Dr. Who Theme
Tristram Cary: City Music
Brian Hodgson: The Prison
John Baker: The Invasion
Brian Hodgson: Sensorite Speech Background
Brian Hodgson: Brain Centre Atmosphere
Delia Derbyshire: Blue Veils & Golden Sands
Tristram Cary: Mutants XV
Tristram Cary: Mutants XXI
Brian Hodgson: Axons Approach
Delia Derbyshire: Chromophone Band
Tristram Cary: The Time Destruction
Brian Hodgson: The Master
Brian Hodgson: The Sea Devils Take The Prison
John Baker: Muzak
Delia Derbyshire: The Delian Mode
Martin Slavin: Space Adventure
Roger Roger: Blast Off!
Tristram Cary: Leaving DesperusTristram
Cary: Mutants XIV
Brian Hodgson: Sea Chase
Brian Hodgson: The Beach
Brian Hodgson: The Fish People
Brian Hodgson: A Few More Fish People
Tristram Cary: The Experiment
Carey Blyton: In The Caves
Carey Blyton: Deep Space
Tristram Carey: Mutants X
Delia Derbyshire: Dr. Who Closing Theme

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