These are some pics I took of Meat Beat Manifesto live at the
Purple Turtle last night, they played a massive 2hr 50min set that
took in everything from the new album via Satyricon to their classics
Helter Skelter and Radio Babylon alas there was no Acid Again but still,
a merry brain-mashing time was had by all.
One of the great pleasures in a MBM show is that their choice of visuals
are always entertaining, by being either appropriate to the samples
they use or by trying to shock you or even being laugh out loud funny.
It's a bit like a Hexstatic show but without the beats being quite so
dance friendly. Watching folks jump and jerk around to the music was
quite amusing in itself as MBM are not really a dance act but one can't
help twitching! Jack Dangers took to the stage with a simple
"hello freaks" and we were away.